Friday, April 19, 2013

Love to teach.. The decision to Home school, A Beka Style!

OK so im not the teacher type, but I should be, I do like telling people how to do everything lol. So I have been having some issues with the way my oldest children are coming along, educationally speaking. I have not seen eye to eye very well with the way their school does things. Without getting into to much detail we will just say its a small town power trip ;). So I decided to just show up at school, and spend the day with my little men. To put it nicely an over rated baby sitter in a low security prison comes to mind. I very much encourage any parent to spend the day with their child to see my point.
Moving forward, I was not happy with it and I had had enough. Children are not being taught how to learn, they are being told what to think. And nothing they are being "taught", is even coming close to molding them into a productive humane being, let alone an educated one. 
Instead of complaining the next 13 years, I'm going to take the high road and teach them my self! Yes that's the high road, the long road, the hard road haha! But its also the productive road, the Loving road, and the road to an everlasting bond most parents don't get the chance to partake in. God has blessed me in being a SAHM, so why am I allowing the government to raise them 8 hours a day. Shame on me, I know! In all fairness I have been battling this decision for quite some time, a couple years. I just never thought I was capable of doing it. But we all have our tipping points, and sticking my head in the sand hoping for the best was just delaying the inevitable.
Now my nerves have turned to excitement. I'm all ready planning everything I want to share in my head. And i'm actually excited to re learn! To set the record my husband was homeschooled, I was public schooled. I loved public school, and was all for it. I believed the boys needed to not be sheltered, and kids who didn't have Christ needed a light. My husband felt differently, and you now what, he was right. My boys are my first priority. It is my job to protect them mind, body, and soul. To teach them the ways of the Lord and the world through Christs eyes. To send them into the world spiritually and mentally ready. To raise bright and talented children. Lets face it, public school can not provide that.
So after extensive, months long research, we have decided on Abeka as the curriculum. The only negatives I hear about this program is A. Its ahead of others by at least a year. and B. its hard work. Both I find to be positives in my eyes. I want the best for my children, and I want them to meet their true potential. I do not want to go easy just so they can "get by". I do not feel God wants us to just get by. We were created for far more than that.
Im so Stinkin excited to take on this new adventure. I trust God will be with me and bless me. I know if I do this through Him and raise my children in His glory nothing can go wrong.
Blessing's to All!

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