Thursday, September 30, 2010

Love Pregnancy

When my grandma and I have time to talk (which i wish was more often) she shares her stories with me. One story in particular was how they used to get skinny after babies. She told me they used to wrap them self's as tight as they could around there waist and mid section right after having a baby, and keep it there for many months. I always laughed at her, but understood the concept after all where do we think corsets were used for.
So I never tried it, but I was watching Dr. Oz and Brooke Burke was advertising this.

So there you go, you can go the old fashion route or shoot for this. I know if I have another little bundle of joy that is what im going to test drive.
FYI: don't kill yourself getting back in shape, with healthy eating habits and nursing your body will do its thing. Enjoy that little Angel they grow fast.

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